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It's Been Awhile

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Me and Ryan Prom Night May 2009

Our fostor dog this summer. She gave birth to 13 puppies in our garage!

the 11 that lived

Me and Leah at my sending off party.

Bretts new kitten Boo

Me and Ryan in Cancun Mexico - summer 09


I know its been awhile. I am trying to keep track of every little thing and sometimes things like this slip my mind. Since I am no longer living at home keeping you up to date on the ongoings at home may be a little difficult. But I can try :)

This year I joined the Class of 2013 at Texas A&M (AAAAA!). I am loving college! I am a part of the Catholic sorority here at St. Mary's Kappa Theta Beta. I have been attending Breakaway, an amazing non-denominational bible study on campus every Tuesday night. It has definately been one of my favorite things to attend here on campus. 6000 students show up every week for praise and worship and a truly amazing bible study. I am taking a cluster, which means that I have my engineering basics with all the same people, of the same types of major (I am Computer Engineering - CS track and I have classes with Computer Engineering- EE track and Electrical Engineering). I am the only girl in all these classes but I have met some wonderful guys that have been helping me through. I am not living on campus this year but I am in an off campus dorm that has come with a lot of drama but its okay. I spend a lot of my time on campus with Ryan or my friends or doing homework in the library or in the SCC.

Brett started her junior year at Plano East this year and is taking AP English and US History as well as Culinary Arts, PreCal, and Physics. She recently adopted one of our foster kittens. He is 5 months old and she named him "Boo". He apparently sleeps in my bed and has taken over my room.

Mom is still working at Williams. She quit teaching high school conformation this year and instead is taking her Sundays to relax and keep up with the house. She wants to get back into sewing more and I hope she does :)

Papa is working at RIM and we miss him when he has to go to Canada and Japan (both trips are coming up pretty soon). He completed a triatholon on Labour day after training all summer :) we are very proud of him. He also just had his 51st birthday.

Jessie had surgery in early June for a torn muscle in her knee. She had to be kept on a leash till last week in and out of the house. We are very glad she is back to walking normal.